
Erreur validator W3C du script en raison de l'attribut fairlyticskey

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Error: Attribute fairlyticskey not allowed on element script at this point.

<script defer id="fairlytics-id-ajcu6jd9k7ysd6" fairlyticskey="b5de8c3a-5877-447d-99a4-38d7aad7aeca" src="https://fairlytics.tech/dist/js/tag.js"></script>

Attributes for element script:
Global attributes
src — Address of the resource
type — Type of script
nomodule — Prevents execution in user agents that support module scripts
async — Execute script when available, without blocking while fetching
defer — Defer script execution
crossorigin — How the element handles crossorigin requests
integrity — Integrity metadata used in Subresource Integrity checks [SRI]
referrerpolicy — Referrer policy for fetches initiated by the element
blocking — Whether the element is potentially render-blocking