Is this library some kind of joke?
juzerali opened this issue · 13 comments
Judging from the projects README
it sounds preposterous. Care to elaborate a little for a PHP beginner?
Would've loved a more formal README or some alternate source which can tell more about the library.
Is this library some kind of joke?
No, it's not a joke.
I meant the README description and the conversations, not the library itself. I come from Java/Javascript and presently a PHP beginner. If only I had a formal description what this library is doing, I would've been able to understand what it is trying to accomplish.
Okay I get an inkling from reading the header. This awesome yet simple and pragmatic PHP library performs an addition of two numbers. So this is just an example of OOP.
I like the approach of ruby more
1 + 1
is just syntactic sugar for 1.+(1)
where +
is just a method name and 1
is object of type FixNum
How barbaric! To think that ruby devs need to deal with that non-extensible, primitive nonsense... it's simply absurd!
@dylemma It is neither primitive nor non-extensible. As I mentioned above 1
is an object and +
is a method call, the other 1
is argument to the method call. All objects in Ruby are dynamically extensible.
@juzerali not sure, if you are aware of it, but you are being trolled.
btw: love this library!
@juzerali In all reality, yes, this is a joke library. It's satire, poking fun at how overly-complex things can get when a library takes Object Oriented Design too far. I was just playing along with the joke, no actual trolling intended. I figured linking to issue 3 would've clued you in.
I did know it was a troll, I was just thinking there were subtle messages and was trying to read between the lines.
This library is not a joke mate. I think it has a good intention.