Enhancement - It will be good if we can add some validations, for example we are logging inputs and outputs , but if user missed to specify input/output this may lead to broken lineages .
annmary-roy opened this issue · 1 comments
This would need enhancements to do auto logging. Can be taken care by integration with looking into code with tools like mlinspect or similar
Can we have an optional debug mode ?
Can we check simple things like if input is logged or anything is logged at all ?
Some aspects of this issue will be addressed in automatic logging API's.
Aalap - Feature request - debug mode of cmf , cmf should do just dry run , no commits , no new branch's etc. It should provide the user with what will be recorded and when the debug is changed to false then, it should be ready to record to have a permanent backend.
Optional - provide a reset command that can undo the changes done by cmf. This needs to be thought through as this can cause potential loss of data.
Sergey- We can have a dummy backend called console. This will be addressed with PR 45.