
firmwareBaselineName doesn't show the actual SPP name

LahiriArindam opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello All, I am getting the firmware baseline name as Gen10 Service Pack for ProLiant or Service Pack for ProLiant but not the actual SPP details. Is there any workaround to get the actual SPP name or version.

#----------- fw Baseline
Function Export-fwBaseline($connection, $sheetName, $destWorkbook)
$valuesArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
$InputObject = get-OVbaseline -ApplianceConnection $connection

    foreach ($fwBase in $InputObject)
            $fwElement                      = new-object -type firmwareBundle
            # - OV strips the dot from the ISOfilename, so we have to re-construct it
            $filename               = rebuild-fwISO -BaselineObj $fwBase
            $fwElement          = new-object -TypeName firmwareBundle
            $fwElement.name     = $fwBase.name
            $fwElement.isofile  = $filename

            $valuesArray        += $fwElement

    writeto-Excel -data $ValuesArray -sheetName $sheetName -destworkBook $destWorkbook


Below is the OneView module details,

6.0.2785.2604 HPEOneView.600 PSGallery HPE OneView PowerShell Library

Thank you.

Is this about PowerShell library or Terraform provider?

Closing this as did not hear from you. Please open another defect if you have any issue