
Died at lib/PGDSAT.pm line 1612

Closed this issue · 5 comments


I just wanted to test the tool but running it gives me the following error after some time:

(test) - postgres@XXX-a[pgdsat-1.1] perl -I ./lib ./pgdsat -U postgres -h /tmp -d postgres -o report.html Died at lib/PGDSAT.pm line 1612.
perl-bignum perl-Math-BigRat are installed.


Commit c8c1dbf will prevent pgdsat to die and reports the source of the error. Can you please give it a try and post the error message returned?

Hey @darold ,
thank you that fixed it!

Sorry, I forgot the errors:
`(test) - postgres@qp-XXX1-a[pgdsat-1.1] perl -I ./lib ./pgdsat -U postgres -h /tmp -d postgres -o report.html

ERROR: fail to get ip range from ( XXX-b.portaldb.server.lan, trust ).

ERROR: fail to get ip range from ( XXX-a.portaldb.server.lan, trust ).

ERROR: fail to get ip range from ( XXX-b.portaldb.server.lan, trust ).

ERROR: fail to get ip range from ( XXX-a.portaldb.server.lan, trust ).

ERROR: fail to get ip range from ( XXX.server.lan, scram-sha-256 ).

ERROR: fail to get ip range from ( localhost, md5 ).

ERROR: fail to get ip range from ( XXX.portaldb.server.lan, md5 ).

ERROR: fail to get ip range from ( localhost, md5 ).

Thanks, there is a bug here that will be fixed asap.

Commit e97463d fixes this issue.