
ORIG_EAX not defined?

liuyanghejerry opened this issue · 7 comments

It seems ORIG_EAX is not defined and cannot compile caretaker.c which needs ORIG_EAX at line 316 in syscall_listener.c included by caretaker.c.

@lx75249 Have a look!

  • - 看来还得弄个configure.. 等我撑过了一大波期中考试就搞

@liuyanghejerry 你是x64系统么?Linux or BSD?发行版?

Centos 6.3 x64

看来就是 x64 的问题了,把那个 hotfix PR 过来吧 🍺

Chang from ’4 * ORIG_EAX’ to ’8 * ORIG_RAX’
reference: http://www.theantway.com/2013/01/12/notes-for-playing-with-ptrace-on-64-bits-ubuntu-12-10/

#4 fixed this, closed.
