这是一个 node 后端系统。包括用户系统、权限系统等。用户系统采用加盐 SHA512 哈希+10000 次派生算法加密,保证了密码存储的高安全性。用户身份使用双 token (access token + refresh token) 验证,非对称加密算法使用 HS512。权限系统基于 RBAC 设计。
安装 mysql
启动 mysql
执行/sqls/create.sql 创建数据库
npm install
npm run start (本地运行) / npm run build && npm run start:prod (生产运行)
A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications, heavily inspired by Angular.
Nest framework TypeScript starter repository.
$ npm install
# development
$ npm run start
# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev
# production mode
$ npm run start:prod
# unit tests
$ npm run test
# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e
# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov
Nest is an MIT-licensed open source project. It can grow thanks to the sponsors and support by the amazing backers. If you'd like to join them, please read more here.
- Author - Kamil Myśliwiec
- Website - https://nestjs.com
- Twitter - @nestframework
Nest is MIT licensed.