
phrase app workflow

Primary LanguageJavaScript

react-i18next-phraseapp Demo

This demo project shows how to integrate the PhraseApp In-Context Editor into a React app using react-i18next for localization via the react-i18next-phraseapp plugin.


$ npm install


The demo project uses the project ID from the PhraseApp demo project. If you want to use the react-i18next-phraseapp adapter in your own project, make sure to adjust the project ID accordingly.


Start the server:

$ npm start

and then open the app at:



Questions? Contact us.


  • Integration i18next + i18next react

    • language switch + language detection ::check
    • loading language files using backend extension :: check
    • pluralisation ::check
    • english as a fallback / default language (because what's the point of translating the default language)
    • detection of missing strings ?
    • translations for constants ?
    • translation as a component and higher order component
    • Scalability in mind, break the app into namespaces
  • Collecting strings

    • collecting message script + api + docs
    • collections strings from the src files and write new files
    • detecting missing strings (from console / from ui ?)
    • managing duplicated keys
  • PhraseApp Api

    • sending strings to phrase app
    • integrating strings back in the app
    • context editing or real time editing (review git flow ?)
  • Releasing the app

    • feature flags
    • git flow / sub modules ?
      • full integration with github secret key and webhooks this will push / pull to the repo
      • fixing conflicts ?
    • what happen if you change a namespace ?