
Match with wildcard operator

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Wildcard _ operator can be used with the switch statement, it should also be usable with the match statement


def isList(input):
  match input:
    case List/Cons:
      return "list"
    case List/Nil:
      return "empty list"
    case _:
      return "not list"

You can use _ or any other variable name as a wildcard in matches.

type MyMap:
  Full { val, ~lft, ~rgt }
  Empty { ~lft, ~rgt }

def foo(map):
  match map:
    case MyMap/Leaf:
    case m:

Here case m matches both the Full and the Empty cases.

However, I think you're misunderstanding what match does. It does not match on multiple possible types and we will not change it to do so.
With the way that we internally represent constructors and pattern matching it is impossible to do so. We could chage it to make that possible, but that would incentivize users to make really hard to understand programs, so we won't.