
Comments with grammar description on imp statements wrong

edusporto opened this issue · 0 comments

Reproducing the behavior

For example, see the comments for the fold statement:


Lines 145 to 156 in 8440fad

// "fold" {arg} ("as" {bind})? ":" {arms}
// case {lft} ":" {rgt}
// ...
// <nxt>?
Fold {
arg: Box<Expr>,
bnd: Option<Name>,
with_bnd: Vec<Option<Name>>,
with_arg: Vec<Expr>,
arms: Vec<MatchArm>,
nxt: Option<Box<Stmt>>,

These lines should be something like

// fold {name}={expr} (with ({name}={expr})*)?:
//   case {lft} ":" {rgt}
//     ...  

A few other statements are also wrong, such as bend, match, switch, ask, ...

System Settings

  • Bend: 0.2.3

Additional context

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