
Extra query parameters don't give an error

Opened this issue · 1 comments

It seems that we are unable to detect extra parameters in the query of a request.
For example:
GET /pets?foo=bar passes without error even if the parameter "foo" is not defined in my OAS 3 spec.
Is it normal behavior? Is there any option to set in the library or ajv in order to get a sort of "additionalProperties : false" for the query parameters?

irky commented


I have noticed that only the query parameters marked as required are validated.
For example let's say I have some optional parameter:

        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/namespace'
        - name: foo
          required: false
          in: query
            $ref: '#/components/schemas/foo'

When I do GET /things/test_namespace?bla=something validation passes, but changing required to true makes it fail with code 400 (expected behavior).

In parameters.js file you can see the code:

function buildSchema(parameterObjects) {
    const schema = { query: {}, headers: {}, params: {}, cookies: {} };
    parameterObjects.forEach(parameterObject => {
        const location = parameterObject.in;
        const name = location === "header"
            ? parameterObject.name.toLowerCase()
            : parameterObject.name;
        const parameterSchema = {
            type: "object",
            properties: {
                [name]: parameterObject.schema,
        if (parameterObject.required) {
            parameterSchema.required = [name];
        lodash_1.default.mergeWith(schema[parameterLocationToRequestField(location)], parameterSchema, concatArraysCustomizer);
    return schema;

As I checked the if statement is responsible for this behavior. I did a quick test and when you comment out the condition the optional parameter will also be validated. Of course I assume this condition is there for a reason and solution for the problem will be more sophisticated.

        //if (parameterObject.required) {
            parameterSchema.required = [name];

In my opinion the optional parameters should also be validated, as we don't want to accept anything sent with GET request. At least the other framework for validation express-openapi-validator I used before verified that.