
Hide message and ban spam user

Primary LanguagePython


This Bot it will be Hide and Ban Spam live chat on Youtube live chat messages Ban Example {"Vun. rENt","VasK .tECh","VasF. Tech","VAsk .tech","vOh. FYI","vaWR. tecH","VOR .oNg","VoT .fYi","VUM .ngo","SisTER19IOI .oNLine","yoUr-dReAmS. OnlINE"}

How to Bot Working

  • Go to Google Cloud Console
  • Create Project (if you Alrady Project Skip This Step)
  • Enable All YouTube API
  • Go to Navigation Menu
  • Select API & Services
  • Click On Credentials
  • Create API
  • Create OAuth client ID
  • In OAuth consent screen
  • Enter App Name
  • User support email Enter your Channel YouTube Email
  • Save and Continue
  • Scopes do nothing just Save and Continue
  • Test users
  • Click ADD Users and Enter your Channel YouTube Email for Allow Access
  • Save and Continue
  • Summary do nothing just Click "Back To DashBoard"
  • Click Create OAuth client ID Again
  • In DropDown Please Select "DeskTop App"
  • Set Name
  • Click "Create" Button
  • In Pop-up OAuth client created you can see Download Button
  • Click Download Button to Download Secret file (JSON)
  • And Rename file to "client_secret_project_YoutubeApi"
  • Move This file to API Folder
  • When you pull my Project the token.json it's will be store in Project folder
  • PLEASE DELETE token.json file when you run first time (Because is my token.json file)
  • When you run code it's will be Create a Authentication Link from Google
  • Open the link on Browser
  • Select Your Youtube Channel Account.
  • if code work token.json will be auto Create in Project folder (Now don't Delete your token.json file)
  • Enter you VdoId you can find Vdo Id on your VDO link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdoID) #Now This Code Can User for Channel Owner

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