
short style parameters not working in .cfg files

cliff-bohm opened this issue · 7 comments

"NameSpace::Catagory-Parameter = value" style formatting (aka command line style parameter formatting) does not work in .cfg files. This does work on command line.


  brainType = CGP
  + sheep::
    brainType = Markov
  - #sheep::
  + wolf::
    brainType = Wire
    + smart::
      brainType = LSTM
    - #smart::
  - #wolf::

should be idetical to:

BRAIN-brainType = CGP
sheep::BRAIN-brainType = Markov
wolf::BRAIN-brainType = Wire
wolf::smart::BRAIN-brainType = LSTM

see wiki for more examples:

Seems to be working just fine. You need a + before you open a namespace. I assume your + and - got turned into bullets.

Show the error you got, if it actually didn't work, and the exact settings that caused it.

if you create a settings.cfg file with these contents:

   GLOBAL-updates = 90

the result is:

$ x64/Release/MABE.exe -f settings*
 Error: unrecognised line
  GLOBAL-updates = 90 in file settings.cfg
See https://github.com/Hintzelab/MABE/wiki/Parameters-Name-Space  for correct usage.

Aah I see.
Is there any concept of nested categories? i.e, does it make sense to parse something like,
BBB-val = 1
into AAA-BBB-val =1

Ok, in that case #209 should solve the problem.