
Should we consider converting `snake_case` strings into `Capital Case`?

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Here I display lot_size: Lot size must be larger than test size. using generateErrorMessage function but I think it would be more meaningful for users if we display it as Lot Size: Lot size must be larger than test size.

Ekran Resmi 2020-09-22 16 09 06

Also, after our chat, we decided that it would be a nice improvement if we pass an object as fieldLabelMap to options of generateErrorMessage. This object will be used to parse the error key.

After passing the object below,

const fieldLabelMap = {lot_size: "An unrelated name I want", test_size: "Another unrelated name"};

the returned value from generateErrorMessage will be An unrelated name I want: Lot size must be larger than test size. instead of Lot Size: Lot size must be larger than test size.

See the explanation here