
Lightweight wrapper of Google Maps API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simplifies the basic use of Google Maps.

  • Embed a map.
  • Center it to the user's location.
  • Add markers.
  • Filter the markers.


Install the library by running: bower install donde.js --save.


Once you have included the script in your markup, you can run:

new Donde({
  container: 'js-map'
, zoom: 15
, defaultPosition: {
    latitude: -34.8937720817105
  , longitude: -56.1659574508667
, markers: [
      icon: 'img/marker-1.png'
    , type: 'A'
    , position: {
        latitude: -34.790626820565095
      , longitude: -56.352119473107685,
  , {
      icon: 'img/marker-2.png'
    , type: 'B'
    , position: {
        latitude: -34.79742147359551
      , longitude: -56.24659744591109


  1. container is the id of the DOM element where the map will be rendered.
  2. zoom is the map's default zoom value.
  3. defaultPosition is where the map will be centered and the user's marker positioned in case geolocation is unavailable.
  4. Markers
    • icon is the path to the markers image.
    • type is used for the filtering of markers.
    • position is the geolocation where the marker should be placed.


MIT license.