
Toggle properties

cbnbg opened this issue · 1 comments

cbnbg commented

At the moment all properties are added to the list. That's ok but it would be nice to hide them.

Details about your environment

  • Brackets Version: Release 1.9 Build 1.9.0-17312 (release 189f6d39a)
  • Brackets Outline List Version: 1.2.0

What did you do? Please include the actual source code causing the issue.

e.g. testproperty is shown in outline list and I want to be able to hide it.

        constructor(...) {
        get testproperty() {
            return "myValue";

What did you expect to happen? How did you expect the Outline to look?
Outline settings button menu:
-> Anonymous functions
-> Show arguments
Please add -> Show properties

What actually happened? How did the Outline actually look?

I can't toggle properties show/hide e.g. in a javascript class.

Hirse commented

Please add the information requested in the issue template: Brackets Version, Extension Version, the used code, the current output, and the desired output.