
Story line not compatible with random generation

Closed this issue · 3 comments

That sad we can't access story quest and use random generation. Is there any particular reason ? Since I wait mod update before try out 0.95a I kind of miss all story features by using my usual mod list.

Academy story line requires specific planets and stations from non-random sector, so it won't work unless I add those locations, in which case it wouldn't be random sector.

(I could add just the specific systems needed for the quests and call it semi-random sector, but that seems pretty awkward)

Why would it be awkward ?

But yeah why not an option, random, semi-random that allow story quest, no random.

  • IMO: A sector where some but not all vanilla systems are present because Reasons looks pretty weird, like a picture with some bits clearly missing, and loses the charm of the handcrafted Sector that Alex and David have created .
  • More importantly, I'm not confident the random star systems will be generated correctly, I'd have to figure out how to make the random sector's core system generator work when planets are already in the place it might put stuff.
  • Minor issue of modded star system behavior being undefined; should they appear in semi-random or not?

Basically, I don't currently plan to work out all the details involved, given that it's a niche use case. If someone wants the Academy quest chain they can just play non-random sector.