
Problems with the way the AI manages colonies

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-The AI doesnt turn hazard pay on, so for some colonies, they will never grow.

-The AI doesnt actually care about hazard costs, so when the AI colonizes a very high hazard rating planet with valuable deposits, it dramatically reduces how much money the player can make from colonies.

-The AI only seems to build a few basic buildings, they never seem to upgrade to a battlestation for example, or a mega port.

-Another problem is that the game economy was never designed for the AI expanding, so when the AI starts colonizing and building industries, they dramatically reduce how much money player colonies make because each AI colony now imports in less of the player's goods.

  • I don't presently plan to change hazard pay handling (currently only colonies created by colony expeditions have it); I'm treating pre-existing colonies that don't grow without it as not worth growing further in the first place, more or less.
  • AI only builds new buildings on size up or when taking over a colony from the player, and it's somewhat random (e.g. they can sometimes choose not to build anything at all, albeit this is intentional to mimic vanilla colonies). I'm making some changes to NPC building construction in next version or later.
  • Any effects on player income are (likely) working as designed. The added industries (and population) do consume commodities which the player can supply, so there's at least some opportunity there.