parenthesis missing on page 67
prime235711 opened this issue · 6 comments
prime235711 commented
I think it should be changed that first projection of coproduct type should be apparently parenthesized.
\sum_(x:A) P(x) \rightarrow A
mikeshulman commented
Page 67 of which version?
Alizter commented
Just before lemma 2.3.2 it seems. I'm still not sure what needs to be changed however.
mikeshulman commented
Ah! I think @prime235711 means it should be (\sum_(x:A) P(x)) \rightarrow A
, in accord with the rule that sigmas and pis scope over the rest of the expression unless delimited.
mikeshulman commented
Would you like to submit a pull request, @prime235711?
prime235711 commented
I'm new to github, so I don't understand what'd you mean. Can someone please do that for me?
FernandoChu commented
Bumping as I think this issue can be closed now.