Code example on how to Use SPOMigrationPackage to migrate filesystem or SharePoint on-prem into SharePoint Online
For demo purpose Scripts are splittet and are intended to run with PowerShell ISE, names like 1_* 2_*...
I've recently added Start-SPOMigration.ps1 which contains all steps ready to go for using fileshare as a source. Please take care, that there are slight differences when using SharePoint on-prem as a source.
To run it use the following command for help: Get-help .\Start-Prescan.ps1
Run the following command and specify two parameters:
- Sourcefolder: the folder to scan (e.g. c:\files\usersprofiles or \server\userprofiles$
- Log: A complete path to a logfile which will be created, e.g. c:\temp\sourcefolder.log PS C:\Users\dhobmaie\OneDrive - Hobi\Consulting\SharePoint\HighSpeedMigration\MigrationPackage> .\Start-PreScan.ps1 -Sourcefolder c:\temp\source -log c:\temp\sourcefolder.log
Log is a “,” delimited filed – so you could rename it to CSV and open it with Excel to filter better on it:
Small tool to support moving log files created by Start-PreScan (to separate them for each user). Ideally in conjuction when doing mass migration from home dir to OneDrive
To run it use the following command for help: Get-help .\Start-SPMTO4BMigration.ps1
This will use robocopy and SPMT (SharePoint Migration Toolkit) to move files from A to B and upload it into users OneDrive. It's perfectly made for fileshare where all user home dir's are located to do mass migration.
- Run Pre-Scan either for all or defined users and analyze logs for unsupported files or high number of special characters. There might be the need to manually adjust those files by the enduser.
- Populate CSV files
- Communicate to the end users to start migration
- Start the migration using the script
- Analyze the script log
- Analyze the SPMT log
- Communication to the end user with the result