
This is a simulation of an open source project targeted towards the analysis and encouragemnt of online collaboration.

It's intended for 4th and 6th semester students as a chance to improve their programming skills , their collaborative skills and learning how to properly use GitHub as in Cloning , Forking , Merging and pulling.

In the issues section , there is a description of a problem that we would like to solve in an optimized manner , your role would be to fork the repository , work on the problem then initiate a pull request , where I'll analyse your code statically , review it, test it , give you a detailed feedback about your code and the classification of the Machine learning model that I'm working on.

Rewards: If you contribute to this repository you will earn a handful of rewards whether your contribution was used or not , these rewards are sponsored by GitHub for students collaboration and contribution , In order to claim your rewards please make sure you include your GUC E-mail in the Pull merge request. Check the folder of GitHub rewards and open the HTML file for all the rewards.