
A python module for the ULL High Performance Cloud Computing (HPCC) lab's Cloud Video Streaming Service (CVSS) architecture designed for research and service provision.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a python module for the CVSS architecture designed for research and service provision 💻

Quick installation guide for the PYCVSS module ☕ 👓

pip install -r requirements.txt --user
pip install -e . --user

Pipenv can also be used to install the module and it's dependencies

pip install pipenv --user
pipenv install -dev
pipenv install -e .

## Open up a pipenv shell (this will enable your virtual environment)
pipenv shell
## Run scripts within the shell
## Exit the shell when finished

Note: You will need to install both pytorch and ffmpeg:

Using a pre-trained SSD network for detection

Download a pre-trained network

Once downloaded, place the chosen training file within the ssd/training_files/ directory.

Running a service:

To list all available services:

py run_service.py services

Service commands take on the following format:

py run_service.py {service_name_subarg} {-arg}

Running the motioncapture service:

## To show the help menu for a specific service
py run_service.py motioncapture --help

## Running the service
py run_service.py motioncapture -i path/to/input_file.mp4 -o output_file.mp4


This is the current TODO list for improvements to the PYCVSS module:

  • Still to come:
    • Initial implementation of Service Management object and module entry point
    • Initial implementation of motion capture and detection services
    • Implementation of FFMPEG calls (such as grayscale conversion, etc.) as services on the management object
    • Additional FFPEG bindings / process arg calls