Arcus is 2D shooting game made in Python using pygame.
GamePlay :-
Multiplayer :-
A multiplayer version of the game made using socket communication.
Requirements :-
Python(2 or 3)
install it by typing
sudo apt-get install python-pygame
pip install pygame
How to start playing :-
- Clone the repo
- Run
For multiplayer :-
checkout the multiplayer branch
- Change the server_ip in the constants_file to localhost for P1
- Run
- Change the server_ip for P2 to the public ip of the system on which the server is running
- P1 and P2 run
run python
and click on multiplayer
Controls :-
- Give direction to the arrow using the mouse
- Drag the arrow to increase velocity
- Release to Shoot
Contributons :-
- All contributions are welcome.
- Please feel free to open any new issues for bugs or feature requests.
- Please try to include a screenshot with the pull request if any visual changes are made to the game.
- Please feel free to communicate on the gitter channel if you face any problem.