
Thank you to the contributors

aluxian opened this issue · 3 comments

Didn't see a "Thank you" issue so I'm creating this one so myself and others can express gratitude towards your amazing work.

Thanks for building this downloader and making it available for everyone!

I just bought you a coffee on Ko-fi, too.

That's all :)

Feel free to close this issue whenever.

I'll go ahead and thank the other contributors.
Thank you @eggplants for the pypi packaging that made this software easier to install for anyone that uses python
Thank you @mirusu400 for making logging in possible, introducing the ability to download a space without a tweet
Thank you @jim60105 for the dockerization of the package and the related monitoring ability to prevent ourselves from missing a space from our favorite creators.

I'll edit the title to include the contributors if you don't mind

I'll edit the title to include the contributors if you don't mind

Of course! My gratitude extends to all the contributors 😊