
Black bars + FP16 => black screen

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Selur commented

Using Live At The Quick.zip and:

clip = havsfunc.QTGMC(Input=clip, Preset="Fast", TFF=True, opencl=True) # new fps: 59.94
# Making sure content is preceived as frame based
clip = core.std.SetFrameProp(clip=clip, prop="_FieldBased", intval=0) # progressive
clip = core.std.CropRel(clip=clip, left=6, right=30, top=64, bottom=66)# cropping to 684x350
# adjusting color space from YUV420P8 to RGBH for VsGRLIR
clip = core.resize.Bicubic(clip=clip, format=vs.RGBH, matrix_in_s="470bg", range_s="limited")
# resizing using GRLIR
from vsgrlir import grlir
clip = grlir(clip=clip, model=0)

all the parts which still have thick black bars are returned black when RGBH is used, with RGBS, everything is fine.