
cancel-previous-runs make workflow an optional argument

ddelange opened this issue · 3 comments

Most likely the cancel-previous-runs was written to support cron jobs, but I actually like having it inside the action itself.

To avoid hardcoding a workflow_id, I tried for a while to programmatically get the workflow_id to pass to this action. I gave up in the end and hardcoded 'main.yml'.

I saw this other repo has a workaround, such that it is not a required argument anymore (only required when using as cron job).

How about having a similar workaround in this action?

closing as useless on schedule, ref #70

I think we would like to port this Action anyway to run it on pull_request event. So if you want you can try your luck in porting it. If not, then maybe I'll do it, but not anytime soon.