
Can someone generate task_file.txt for 66

Shibaisgamer opened this issue · 2 comments

I read article already but am not knowledge about map lab
So, can someone generate task_file.txt of 66 pls

Sure but what alpha values you are interested in?

By the way you could also do it yourself as well, just use Octave or Matlab.

This is how I generate all the numbers. It's always different. Maybe it doesn't make sense, but at least the randomness increases


# Function to generate a random twenty-digit number
generate_random_number() {
  local random_number=""
  for _ in {1..20}; do
    random_digit=$(( RANDOM % 10 ))
  echo "${random_number}"

# Generate a random twenty-digit number

# Define the new line with the placeholders replaced by the random number
new_line="$alpha_to_seek = vpa([0 0.00$random_number 0.75$random_number 0.828$random_number 0.828$random_number 1], vpa_acc);"

# Use the correct syntax for the sed command to replace the line
sed -i "s|.*$alpha_to_seek = vpa.*|$new_line|" GenerateTask.m

octave --no-line-editing --silent GenerateTask.m 

for task_line in $(cat task_file.txt); do
            # Pars fields in "task_file.txt" lines
        bits=`echo $task_line | cut -d ',' -f1`
       alpha=`echo $task_line | cut -d ',' -f2`
    interval=`echo $task_line | cut -d ',' -f3`
     address=`echo $task_line | cut -d ',' -f4`
./keyhunt -m bsgs -f tests/130.txt -r "$interval" -S -k 512 -q -t 8 -s 10 -S
