
Problem of using scuff-neq to calculate the infinite half-space

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi Homer,

I want to calculate the heat transfer between two semi-infinite parallel planes. I understand that two large cylinders can be set to approximate the semi-infinite case, but this will result in the required huge computation time and memory, and I also have some concerns about precision. So I want to set the .scuffgeo structure file such as the example of the infinite-area thin film as follows:

Similarily, the configuration of my structure file is based on the setting of the multi-layer structure as follows:

However, there is an error when running scuff-neq with this structure settings. The prompt is: Segmentation fault 11.

And here is the .log file:


Could you tell me where the problem is? I have been troubled by this problem for several days. It would be very helpful if you give any feedback. Thank you very much for your help!

Best wishes,

Hi Frank,

A Segmentation Fault is related to a memory problem, therefore the origin of such a problem is difficult to guess. Perhaps is the compilation of your code or a problem with the input. If you share your input files, I could test whether I get a segfault as well.

As an alternative, you could compile a debug version and try to debug the program to find out where the problem happens. To do that, you should run configure with the flag --enable-debug . Later run

gdb scuff-neq

backtrace will show you the chain of function calls to identify what had happened before the segfault. Hope this helps.


Hi José,

Thanks for your suggestion. Since I am not so quite familiar with this, it would be very helpful if you can do the test for me. Here is the command line:

Scuff-neq --geometry doubleplate.scuffgeo --OmegaFile OmegaFile –EPFile EPFile

And the input files are in the attached ZIP.

Thank you for your kind help!


Hi Frank,
I also get the segfault. From gdb you can see that the problem is in the kBloch call. It is passed as a null pointer (0x0), therefore the calculation of BPF trigers a segfault.

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff6cbda78 in scuff::StampInNeighborBlock (B=0x555555792820, GradB=0x0, NR=96, NC=96, M=0x5555557925e0, GradM=0x0, 
    RowOffset=0, ColOffset=0, L=0x7fffffffc3e0, kBloch=0x0, UseSymmetry=true) at AssembleBEMMatrix.cc:82
82        cdouble BPF=exp( II*(kBloch[0]*L[0] + kBloch[1]*L[1]) );

This is a copy of the backtrace:

(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x00007ffff6cbda78 in scuff::StampInNeighborBlock (B=0x555555792820, GradB=0x0, NR=96, NC=96, M=0x5555557925e0, GradM=0x0, 
    RowOffset=0, ColOffset=0, L=0x7fffffffc3e0, kBloch=0x0, UseSymmetry=true) at AssembleBEMMatrix.cc:82
#1  0x00007ffff6cbfaaa in scuff::RWGGeometry::AssembleBEMMatrixBlock (this=0x555555776b50, nsa=0, nsb=0, Omega=..., kBloch=0x0, 
    M=0x5555557925e0, GradM=0x0, RowOffset=0, ColOffset=0, Accelerator=0x0, TransposeAccelerator=false, NumTorqueAxes=0, dMdT=0x0, 
    GammaMatrix=0x0) at AssembleBEMMatrix.cc:505
#2  0x000055555555a095 in WriteFlux (SNEQD=0x5555557769d0, Omega=..., kBloch=0x0) at WriteFlux.cc:244
#3  0x0000555555558bc1 in main (argc=7, argv=0x7fffffffcf38) at scuff-neq.cc:279

From the very beginning (read bottom to top) kBloch is 0x0 (see #2). I don't have much experience wih scuff, but it seems that the input file has a problem, because the extended geometry is not handled properly.


What version of gmsh do you have installed?

Hi José,

I found that it is because the command "scuff-neq" does not support the integration in Brillouin zone like other commands, such as "scuff-cas3d" and "scuff-ldos". That's why when I import the geometry file with a periodic geometry, it will returns the "Segmentation fault 11".

So I have no idea what we can do if we want to calculate the extended geometries with the "scuff-neq". Actually it's a very basic and important situation in calculating the near-field heat transfer. I have tried to use a huge structure to approximate the semi-infinite case, but the time and memory consuming is so horrible. If you have any idea to solve this problem, it will be very very helpful for me!

Thanks a lot for your help!




My gmsh version is 3.0.9. Actually I have met trouble when using the newest version of gmsh, so I changed it to a old version. And after that it works well.
