
can not configure gcc correctly with MacOS Monterey

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I am following the installation instruction online. However, I can not set up gcc correctly with Homebrew. Would you point out what is wrong? Thank you.

System information:
MacOS. Version 12.2.1 (21D62)
Homebrew 3.3.16

When I use homebrew to install gcc with the command:
% brew install gcc --without-multilib
the output is abnormal:
Usage: brew install [options] formula|cask [...]

Install a formula or cask. Additional options specific to a formula may be
appended to the command.

Unless HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALLED_DEPENDENTS_CHECK is set, brew upgrade or brew
reinstall will be run for outdated dependents and dependents with broken
linkage, respectively.

Unless HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP is set, brew cleanup will then be run for
the installed formulae or, every 30 days, for all formulae.

Unless HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_UPGRADE is set, brew install formula will
upgrade formula if it is already installed but outdated.