embedJpg is writing a jpeg image to pdf as text not as an image
BrianErickson-InfoCon opened this issue · 0 comments
What were you trying to do?
I'm trying to place a JPEG image into a PDF file
How did you attempt to do it?
export class MyPDFGenerator
async PDFAddPage(
pdfDoc: PDFDocument,
Input: string): Promise
let imgPage:PDFImage;
try {
const data = fs.readFileSync(Input, {flag: 'r'}); // uint8Array
const imgPage = await pdfDoc.embedJpg(data);
const page = pdfDoc.addPage();
await page.drawImage(imgPage); // , {});
console.log("PDFAddPage: " + Input + " ERR: " + err);
// console.log("HERE");
async TestAddPage(
Input: string
) : Promise<void>
let sExpectedPDFName:string="/var/www/Output/MyTest2.pdf";
const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.create();
const data = fs.readFileSync(Input, {flag: 'r'});
const imgPage = await pdfDoc.embedJpg(data);
const dimScale = imgPage.scale(1.0);
const page = pdfDoc.addPage();
await page.drawImage(imgPage, {x: 0, y: 0, width: dimScale.width, height: dimScale.height});
fs.writeFileSync(sExpectedPDFName, await ((await pdfDoc).saveAsBase64()));
const getPdf = new MyPDFGenerator;
async function MyTest2(): Promise<void>
let sInputFile:string="/var/www/Output/MyTest.jpg";
// let sExpectedPDFName:string="/var/www/Output/MyTest.pdf";
// const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.create();
await getPdf.TestAddPage(sInputFile);
// PDF Close ---
// fs.writeFileSync(sExpectedPDFName, await ((await pdfDoc).saveAsBase64()));
What actually happened?
Image is written to PDF as text not an image
What did you expect to happen?
I expected a PDF file to contain the JPEG image in the PDF
Include code, input JPEG image, and resulting output PDF file.
The example presented reproduces the problem.
How can we reproduce the issue?
tsc TestSample.ts
node TestSample.js
pdf-lib 1.17.1 Rocky Linux 9.3
What environment are you running pdf-lib in?
- My report includes a Short, Self Contained, Correct (Compilable) Example.
- I have attached all PDFs, images, and other files needed to run my SSCCE.
Additional Notes
I'm not certain what I'm doing wrong, but I seem to following the instructions outlined in the help.