
Is it bug ????

Closed this issue · 9 comments


  • i need help.

Hello. It was a bug.
I pushed the fix.
Please try again and see if the issue persists.

Thanks. But then i find a next bug like this. Please help me.

That is because the useCkpt variable is set to true in the fruit_train_net.py. This means that it tries to continue the training from a previously saved checkpoint. If you did not run the training before, then useCkpt must be set to False.

Please help me fix it, I'm not sure what to do with it.

The fruit_train_net.py script looks for a folder called "data" at the same level as the "network" folder. In it should be the test-00000-of-00001 and train-00000-of-00001 files obtained from the build_image_data.py script.

Oh yeah, Thank you very much.

Hi,when I run fruit_train_net.py It occurs:

From what I know this error code means memory access violation.
I will look into it, but I am not sure that this issue is caused by the fruit_train_net.py script.
Can you provide some details about what scenario you were working with? Such as what classes did you use for the build_image_data.py script?

I am unable to replicate this issue on my machine.
When I run the fruit_train_net.py script it starts the training and continues without error.
Please provide more details.