This tool is used to verify the ownership of a ZEN transparent address used for staking Horizen Super and Secure Nodes.
Verified addresses allow:
- up to five alternate 'payto' addresses
- multiple stake amounts in one address
A stake address is verified by sending a deterministically derived amount of ZEN from the stake address back to the same address and submitting the resulting transaction id and the information used to derive the amount back to the node tracking server.
The tool consists of two command line applications:
- staketool
- creates verification requests and ZEN transactions
- sends signed ZEN transactions to the blockchain and verification requests to the servers
- signtxtool
- signs ZEN transactions using the private key of the stake address
Stand alone binaries for multiple platforms can be downloaded under releases.
If you prefer to run the CLI apps under nodejs (>=14) you can do so by cloning the repository and running npm ci
. After that you can run the tools by using node staketool.js
and node signtxtool.js
- The ZEN address where the stake amount will reside, a small amount to create the verification transaction is needed in this address (<0.1 ZEN). No Super or Secure Nodes are allowed to be registered with this address prior to verification, it has to be a new stake address. The same stake address cannot be verified on both tracking systems.
- One to five 'payto' addresses. A percentage of the node earnings may be split between addresses.
- The private key of the stake address, unless you prefer to send the verification transaction from a wallet like Sphere by Horizen or use the zen-cli command line.
- A Horizen Super or Secure Node API sub key. This sub key is provided by your Node hosting provider or, if you host your own nodes, you can create it on the Secure Node API Settings or Super Node API Settings page.
- Only transparent addresses are supported as stake addresses (not private z-addresses).
- Staketool does not yet support creating multisignature transactions verifying an address, though it is possible to verify multisignature addresses. Contact Support for instructions.
The Stake Verification Tool has three general steps to complete the verification process:
- Create a stake verification request and a ZEN transaction for the specified amount.
- Sign the transaction. This step can be done offline.
- Send the transaction to the blockchain and the verification request to the desired Node tracking servers.
The tool has the flexibility to complete the verification process in multiple ways. The ZEN may also be sent from the stake address using a wallet or the zen-cli command line. Detailed usage help for each command is available in
The most straightforward process is to use the tool with the default options.
Command line:
./staketool createstakeverification --stake=ztpwi9FUYVjPRFEXsqTZ5zwvtUZCdaUNYy4 --payaddress='[{"address":"ztpwi9FUYVjPRFEXsqTZ5zwvtUZCdaUNYy4","pct":60.00},{"address":"ztjSb53TJSLEG3VBqoBiTiZLkken6nL4ZJN","pct":40.00}]' --system=super
The --payaddress
argument data must be valid JSON and consist of one to five 'payto' addresses with a percentage split for each. All pct must add up to 100. Depending on your operating system and shell, different forms of escaping/encapsulating in quotes have to be used to provide the --payaddress
data. An "address":
in --payaddress
may be the same as the --stake
The --system
argument is required. Valid values are super, secure, or testnet
Command line:
./signtxtool signverificationtransaction --privkey=cQ3iBWAa2BwNCAjBWPMRryuib3QbfYwbfhbB8dpJnKShowfXp43x
This step may be completed on an air gapped system by copying the ./verificationfiles
folder created in Step 1. Copy the files back to the first system and replace the originals once the transaction is signed.
The private key can be provided using the --privkey
argument, or by exporting the PRIVKEY=privateKeyWIF
environment variable. If neither is used, the tool will prompt to input the private key.
Command line:
./staketool sendtxandstakeverification --apikey=xn571c0cf42af2jcbb8dab2fafb973bfd14a2c0dbd --system=super
This step should result in a status message from the Node tracking server. The verification request is confirmed after five blocks.
Once a stake address is verified it can be used to register a new Super or Secure Node or to reconfigure an existing Node. The "email":
, "stakeaddr":
and "category":
fields in the node's config.json
file have to match the values of the API sub key that was used to submit the verification request. For detailed instructions on changing a stake address see
Rerun Steps 1-3 with the same stake address but provide different 'payto' addresses or percentages. After successful verification the new 'payto' addresses will be used starting from the next payment period.
Detailed usage help for each of these additional commands is available in
List Existing Stakes - Retrieve the current list of stakes and their status from the tracking servers.
Command line: ./staketool liststakes --apikey=xn571c0cf42af2jcbb8dab2fafb973bfd14a2c0dbd --system=super
Command line: ./staketool getbalance --stake=ztpwi9FUYVjPRFEXsqTZ5zwvtUZCdaUNYy4 --system=super
Command line: ./staketool cancelstakeverification --idstake=201 --apikey=xn571c0cf42af2jcbb8dab2fafb973bfd14a2c0dbd --system=super
The stake id for --idstake can be found using the 'liststakes' command
Command line: ./signtxtool keysfromseed --seed='my seed phrase'
The signtx tool can list your addresses and private keys from your seed phrase. CAUTION: only perform this action on a secure system.
git clone
cd staketool
npm ci
npm run test # basic linting and audit checks
npm run makebins # package stand alone binaries for all platforms, output in ./bin
For development and testing of integrations, staketool can be used with the testnet tracking servers at To do so please use testnet addresses and private keys, and use the --system=testnet
switch with staketool and signtxtool.
Testnet ZEN can be requested at, testnet addresses and private keys can be generated at by selecting 'testnet' in Settings.
The tool deterministically derives the amount in satoshis to send in the verification transaction by taking part of a sha256 hash of a JSON object comprising the stake and 'payto' addresses.
The reference implementation of creating the hashobj
can be found in helpers/steps.js#L29-L72
The reference implementation of the algorithm deriving the amount in satoshis from the hashobj
can be found in helpers/utils.js#L17-L30
The hashobj
is submitted to the tracking servers, the amount in satoshis is calculated again and compared to the on-chain verification transaction. Only the last 8 digits of the satoshi value are compared. To make preserving of JSON element order easier hashobj
is base64 encoded, the reference implementation sending a verification POST request to the tracking server API at or can be found in helpers/steps.js#L221-L241 and helpers/utils.js#L182-L215.