LMDE 5, trouble finding it
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This is really cool! Probably user error (linux newbie but learning), but there were enough inconsistencies with the instructions and my distro (LMDE - Debian based Mint) in case anyone else is struggling. Doesn't seem to be listed under installed applications, or available as an applet, or a Desklet.
Place the chatgpt-gnome-desktop@chat-gpt-gnome-desktop folder in ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
I do not have that destination folder, I put it in /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions
I did restart Gnome a few times
I'm running x11, but Gnome Shell 3.38.6
When trying to run sudo apt install libgtk-4-dev
I get Unable to locate package
- seems like updating to 42 would be a major change that I'm not in a place to do, but not sure if that would stop it from showing up somewhere.
Do not touch usr/share/...
Make sure you have gnome-extensions installed.
You can enable the extension in the gnome-extensions app.
Once installed, put the chatgpt-gnome-desktop@chat-gpt-gnome-desktop folder in ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
Then restart Gnome Desktop Enviorment or Log out and log back in
@Nam-Ram Are you even using the Gnome DE?
Hmm, I'm not sure.
returns X-Cinnamon
, which seems to be a fork of Gnome3.
X-Cinnamon != Gnome.
I have not tested how the extension works on forks of Gnome. In the extensions early development stage, Gnome 42 is used with focus on bringing compatibility to Gnome 43.