Unable to build
Zumbalamambo opened this issue · 4 comments
Im getting the following error while trying to build the app
Error:A problem occurred configuring project ':app'.
Im using android studio v2.3.3
Hello, I assume you are trying to build develop branch? If yes please make sure you have installed (all API between 21 -> 25 + NDK/Cmake + latest build versions). If it doesn't help sent me a screenshot from your studio at szczesny.piotr@outlook.com
I actually noticed that my last git hub code was not supporting Android Studio 2.3.3. I just committed those build dependencies to develop branch. Please get latest code & re -try.
Thanks now im able to build. I guess the development is in the half way
You welcome. Well generally yes however there are some features that are working but UI needs to be improved to reflect and use some functionality.