
Configuration changes cause PalWorldSettings.ini to be badly formatted.

mengmeng9921 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi dear Hoshinonyaruko, I was using this software of yours and after logging in, I changed my password and saved the configuration. I found that the server reboot was successful, but the format of the configuration file was corrupted, which prevented the game from logging in.

Could you please check if there's an extra apostrophe (') following the equals sign in the PalWorldSettings.ini file? From what I've observed, this might be a behavior associated with the 1.4 server version. I suggest trying to manually remove this apostrophe, or, to ensure you have a backup of your configurations, delete the PalWorldSettings.ini file and let the program regenerate it. This could potentially resolve the issue. I am currently investigating the cause behind the addition of the apostrophe in PalWorldSettings.ini, as the code should not be adding it automatically. I'm further looking into the root cause of this issue.