
Multi-Threading Functions Missing

AtmaX opened this issue · 2 comments

AtmaX commented

I just started using AutoHotkey_H; I wanted to try it to use its multi-threading functionality. However, whenever I try to run a script that calls one of the multi-threading functions, I get a load-time error message saying that the function doesn't exist. I'm using the .exe version of AutoHotkey_H. Is this a bug, or did I invariably mess something up?

Please provide example code.

@HotKeyIt Hi thanks for AHK-H properly he ment this

MyThread:=NewThread("Msgbox variable:=`"Thread`"")
While !Mythread.ahkReady()
  Sleep 100
MsgBox MyThread.ahkgetvar.variable



another example this msgbox good at first but throw error after 0.5 second


even if I disabled the warning it's still show up

#Warn All, Off

NewThread MsgBox("Message from thread")