
Oculus Rift

Bockbiertje opened this issue · 14 comments

Is this supposed to be working with Oculus Rift as well?
As soon as I start Oculus home it will close the OpenVRTwitchChat.

Sorry, I don't have an Oculus Rift to test with, but this should be working through SteamVR. I assume Oculus Home does not draw through the OpenVR APIs and probably closes SteamVR (or SteamVR closes itself) when you launch it :(

Edit: I wonder if you could use Revive to get Oculus Home games to render through SteamVR into your Rift :P?

Edit2: Any games you launch through Steam/SteamVR should work. Could you test this for me?

I'm currently trying to get this to work with the rift. Oculus home is going to start up on its own and it is required to stay open for the rift the register, pain in the butt but not a roadblock. As soon as you open steamVR it overrides oculus home, then I can load OpenVRTritchChat and set up the chat the way I like (using the world overlay). I have tried to load 'subnautica' and 'keep talking and no one explodes' but the overlay does not transfer. I am not getting an error when doing it in this order but am unable to get it to show up. I can be a guinea pig as I want this to work badly. Thanks for the hard work!

Could you look in the Data folder for output_log.txt, post the contents to a Gist and post the link here or PM it to me on reddit when you get a chance?

Mert7 commented

Using oculus rift, the twitch chat shows up in steamVR using world overlay, but it does not show up in Elite Dangerous. output_log.txt Looks fine to me though. I noticed that if I enable the display Mirror it still shows SteamVR with the chat overlay in it. Elite Dangerous had it's own mirroring window and both will run at the same time.
To be clear, SteamVR mirror will show only steamVR world while running Elite Dangerous and Elite Dangerous Mirror only shows Elite Dangerous. And the Open VR Twitch Chat only shows in the Steam VR mirror.

Did I miss a step or is something missing?

If it shows up in the SteamVR mirror but not in the headset then I suspect the image sent to the headset is not sent from SteamVR. ED likely sends the image directly to the Rift, and is overriding the SteamVR display, unfortunately.

I dug up a comment here on Reddit where someone reports this exact behaviour with SteamVR Overlays in general (in ED).

I have the same issue in elite: dangerous. I hit the steam button on the steam controller and the overlay loads. I can see it on the spy window in the monitor. But it does not render in the CV1.

Suggesting even the default SteamVR Overlays cannot draw to the Rift (in some games). This likely isn't a bug with my Overlay implementation or user error, but instead this is likely just an incompatibility with that game in particular.

Can someone try running SteamVR-only games such as The Lab? I realize you can't do anything without the touch controllers (which I'm assuming, possibly incorrectly, that you don't have yet) but you should at least be able to see if the Overlays will draw to the Rift. I assume you are using the Oculus Home version of Elite Dangerous, which might be setup a little different?

Edit: Although, if someone does have touch controllers and is willing to be a guinea pig, feel free to email me, reply below, or pm me on Reddit and I'll do my best to support them :). Though, because I'm just using the OpenVR APIs they should already be as equally supported as the Vive controllers.

Edit2: Also, there is no step to miss. You should be able to straight up download the release, unzip it, and run the exe and the overlay should show up attached to your left controller. Because you probably don't have controllers attached, you'll have to select "World" or "Screen", but that's it. The overlay should show up somewhere. If you can see it in the Mirror but not in the Rift then I'm not sure what's going on, but I don't think it's something related to my program, and not something I can fix :(

Edit3: To be clear, any devices that support/are supported by SteamVR should be compatible, so whether you have the touch controllers or the vive controllers or the hydra, it doesn't matter as long as SteamVR accepts them as controllers. I've even tested this using the OpenVR Leap Driver and it works great :). If the game is drawing directly to the Rift's screen though, and bypassing the SteamVR compositor, then it simply won't work :(.

Mert7 commented

@Hotrian I don't even have the oculus home version of Elite Dangerous installed. I launch from steam via "Launch in VR" option.
With the Rift I loaded the lab, and overlay shows up there, it's just Elite Dangerous that does not work I guess. Dreams rekt.

@Mert7 Thanks for the update and the confirmation; That's unfortunate that ED is somehow skipping the compositor even though it is running through SteamVR :(.

@Sharkweathertv @Bockbiertje Can we get another confirmation that the overlays work in The Lab (and potentially other SteamVR games)?

We can close this issue if we can confirm it's an incompatibility with ED (and some other games such as Project Cars and Subnautica) and SteamVR Overlays and not my program itself; Because I don't think there's anything we can do other than contact the developers of those games and ask them to switch (or add the option to switch) to using the SteamVR Compositor in future versions for maximum compatibility.

Also if anyone has a chance it would be great if you could compile a list of games that the SteamVR Overlays do/do not work in to benefit future users. You can report your findings in here and I'll add a table or list or something on the front page.

can some one help me to get this to work in high fidelity. its open source. please

can some one help me to get this to work in high fidelity. its open source. please

The Steam version of High Fidelity may work for you using this guide to trick it into running on SteamVR. This works because Oculus does not support Windows 7, and SteamVR does. If both APIs are available but you're running with compatibility for Windows 7, SteamVR takes priority instead of the Oculus SDK.

Twitch Chat does not work for Pavlov VR

Did you follow this guide? I know people have definitely used it in Pavlov with Oculus Rift and SteamVR compatible headsets such as Vive, Index, etc.

This would be due to the behavior of the Oculus SDK, and not an issue with OVRTC. It's in the name, OpenVRTwitchChat - Oculus Rift does not use the OpenVR APIs unless it needs to, so you will not be able to use OVRTC or other OpenVR/SteamVR Overlays unless you force it to run on SteamVR.

I have flagged this as Non-Issue as it is not strictly an issue with OVRTC. This is the intended behaviour of the Oculus SDK. I am not saying this is not an issue for any Oculus users - I hope nobody takes it that way. I would fix this one if it were possible, but for now the best answer is to trick your headset to use SteamVR when you want to use OVRTC, for whatever games the Windows 7 trick works for.

Not sure if related but revive workaround to get overlays to open in Oculus image