
create minimal example conf for laitos to just get_started in less then 5min

MalloZup opened this issue · 8 comments

i wanted to share some small points from my pov about laitos doc, that could be improved afaik.

  • putting documentation in a wiki, from my pov can decrease contributors to improve the documentation of the project. At least i would prefer the doc and or Readme.md ( each pr can improve documentation directly in this way)

  • on the getting started, would be nice to have at least a minimal to go example/muster that would not require the full reading of doc/conf files, just a simple quickstart

Many thanks!

Regarding location of doc content, the wiki is actually a mirror of https://github.com/HouzuoGuo/laitos/tree/master/doc

Here is a sample config for testing that can also be tailored into a documented quick-start example:

Thx! Maybe we could add a note that the wiki is a mirror of doc in the wiki! Cool then

Thanks HouzuoGuo!

the wiki is actually a mirror of https://github.com/HouzuoGuo/laitos/tree/master/doc

Hi @HouzuoGuo, just curious, how do you mirror them over to wiki, by hand or automatically?

happy new year @suntong, the documentation pages under doc directory are in fact copied from git repository laitos.wiki.git. I like to keep a copy of documentation pages in source tree for historical reference.

looking good for now!