Advent of code

This is me doing the advent of code challenges since 2019.

Setup and usage

We use yarn for this repo. Make sure to run yarn before starting so dependencies are pulled in.

You can then run yarn start <day>[-part] to run the code for a specific part of a day.

To run the first part of day one simply run yarn start 1, for part two run yarn start 1-2.

To run a challenge from a specific year simply run yarn start <day>[-part] yyyy. The year is hardcoded in runChallenge.ts and updated when the next event starts.


Challenges are organized into folders where each day gets it's folder in "challenges/[year]" following the format of Day[0][number of day]. Using a leading 0 for days below 10. Within the folder for each day three files are common, those are:

  • day[day]-1.ts - For the first part of this day.
  • day[day]-2.ts - For the second part of this day.
  • input.txt - My input for the given day.

Note that here we do not use leading 0s.

The folders for each day may also contain additional files, like tests.


To create a test simply add a file with .test.ts as extension. We use ts-jest to execute those.

You than probably want to run tests for a specific day using a command like: yarn test challenges/2020/day02.