Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow

DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate - Course 3

  • Week 1: Common Patterns in Time Series
    • Trend
    • Outlier
    • Period
    • Imputation technique
    • Non-stationary time series: ts that changes behavior at certain time point
      • We can only use ML for a period of time
    • Stationary: behavior does not change
    • Train test split (training, validation, test):
      • Fixed partitioning
      • Roll-forward partitioning: use daily/weekly/monthly data within the training data
    • Common Metrics
      • MSE
      • RMSE: same scale of the original errors
      • MAE/Mean Abs Deviation: does not penalize large error as much as MSE. We can use MAE if large error is not dangerous
      • MAPE: P for percentage. np.abs(errors/x_valid).mean() shows size of the errors compare to their value
    • MA
    • Differencing
  • Week 2: Deep Neural Networks for Time Series
    • Time windows: use a subset of time value as the input windows, use the next time value as the label.
    • Sequence bias
    • Linear Regression for Time Series
    • ffnn for Time Series
    • Callback for learning rate scheduler that update lr for each epoch
  • Week 3: Recurrent Neural Networks for Time Series
    • RNN: The input/output of RNN is 3-dim: batch size, time step, dim of each time step
    • Lambda layers: help fix window dataset (2-dim input) before feed it into RNN (3 dim input)
  • Week 4: Real-world time series data