How to Use GPG Keys to Send Encrypted Messages

How to Use GPG Keys to Send Encrypted Messages

Delete public key

gpg --delete-key aung@gmail.com 

Delte private key

gpg --delete-secret-key aung@gmail.com 

List key

gpg --list-keys

1.Create gpg key in My computer(in windows) // My Web Sever

RealName ==> aung email==> aung@gmail.com

gpg --full-generate-key 

Create gpg key in My girl friend computer (in Ubuntu) // Api Server like banking

RealName ==> thiri email==> thiri@gmail.com

gpg --gen-key 

2.Export public key in aung Computer

gpg --armor --output aung_public-key.asc --export aung@gmail.com 

Export public key in My girl friend Computer

gpg --armor --output thiri_EN_PUBLIC.asc--export thiri@gmail.com 

3.Import public key and sign

In DBS PayLah Computer

gpg --sign-key aung@gmail.com 

In aung Computer

gpg --sign-key thiri@gmail.com 

4.Encrypt request msg from aung Computer

gpg --output webcheckout_req.txt.gpg --encrypt --sign --armor --compress-algo zip -r thiri@gmail.com webcheckout_req.txt 

Decrpt request msg from My girl friend Computer

gpg --output decryptMsg --decrypt webcheckout_req.txt.gpg 

Encrypt response msg from My girl friend Computer

gpg --output webcheckout_res.txt.gpg --encrypt --sign --armor --compress-algo zip -r aung@gmail.com webcheckout_res.txt 

Decrpt request msg from My girl friend Computer

gpg --output decryptMsg --decrypt webcheckout_res.txt.gpg