
publish official release to maven central

christian-draeger opened this issue · 2 comments

@rbri i am not able to find htmlunit-android in sonatype releases repository (maven central)

it seems its just available as a snapshot release for now

motivation: since snapshot releases implementation can change at any time i hope you can understand that i dont want to add a snapshot release as a dependency to my project, because of stability and security reasons.

  • could you please do an "official release"?
  • Will the android release (since it's technically the same as the "real" htmlunit) have the same release cycle as htmlunit?
rbri commented

Release is there and also a first snapshot build for 2.59.0-SNAPSHOT.
The snapshot points to the latest HtmlUnit snapshot that already has the fix for the clipboard handling generating an exception on android.

rbri commented

Thanks for testing and all the feedback.