
Undefined Index Notices when viewing Sequences

klaxian opened this issue · 2 comments

When viewing a sequence, there are several notices for "undefined index". You need to check for the existence of an index with something like isset() to avoid these.

I have notices lots of similar notices in other areas as well. It might be a good idea to disable notices and/or display_errors when not debugging or allow sysadmins to control this with web server configuration rather than hard-coding error levels.

Notice: Undefined index: is_cycled in /var/www/phppgadmin-hf/src/controllers/SequencesController.php on line 252
Notice: Undefined index: start_value in /var/www/phppgadmin-hf/src/controllers/SequencesController.php on line 276
... and more ...

Do you have debugmode set to false in your

Good call. debugmode was set to true so I changed it to avoid the notices. I must have been thinking of something with the old phppgadmin where error configuration was hard-coded regardless.