
'undefined: config.ConfigContainer' when building Dockyard

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I'm trying to build Dockyard so I can test if it will work in my environment, but I keep getting the following error: "src/ undefined: config.ConfigContainer".

The process I'm following is:

  • Fetch a golang environment using Docker: docker pull golang:1.6
  • Run a container to build: docker run -ti golang:1.6 /bin/bash
  • Inside the container, follow the instructions from the README:
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
go build

After the 'go get' command, I get the error as above. I have tried with both the golang:1.6 and golang:1.5 images, but with the same result. Any suggestions?



The master branch depend on old beego config library causes the failure of building. I already merged the newest code from develop branch, and please try again.

We support godep also, or try like this:

godep go build

Thanks, can confirm this fixed my problem