Assignment 2 - Web API.

Name: Huayu Qin


  • Feature 1 - Add more than five APIs: new Actor, ActorDetails, Upcoming, toprated API, movieCredits, including a parameterised URL.

  • Feature 2 - Mongo integration. Storing API data information in database.

  • Feature 3 - Coherent API design and modelling supporting full manipulation of resources.

  • Feature 4 - Using Nested Document for movie-reviews to associated users and user reviews and update object referencing to support the favourite movies function.

  • Feature 5 - Using Mongoose to perform custom validation for token.

  • Feature 6 - Basic Authentication and protected routes for movie API.

  • Feature 7 - Use express middleware to take Error handing in the router.

  • Feature 8 - React integration.

  • Feature 9 - Custom API Documentations with Swagger.

  • Feature 10 - User can create a list to store movies.

  • Feature 11 - Authentic user can add movie to the watchlist

  • Feature 12 - Authentic user can see the details of movies in the watchlist.

  • Feature 13 - Authentic user can not add the same movie to the watchlist twice.

  • Feature 14 - User can get the reviews of the specific movie.

  • Feature 15 - User can check the similar movies via the specific movie

  • Feature 16 - User can add a movie with a random ID in database.

  • Feature 17 - User can delete the specific movie store in database

  • Feature 18 - User can get the upcoming, toprated movies and details.

  • Feature 19 - User can get the popular actors with personal details.

  • Feature 20 - customized password validation for register.

Installation Requirements

Describe what needs to be on the machine to run the API (Node v?, NPM, MongoDB instance, any other 3rd party software not in the package.json).

Describe getting/installing the software, perhaps:

git clone

followed by installation

git install

then follow below

npm install
npm start

and configure swagger

npm install swagger-UI
git install swagger-ui express
git install swagger-jsdocs

API Configuration

configuration that needs to take place before running the API.



API Design

overview of my web API design:

/api/movies Get a list of movies N/A N/A N/A
/api/movies/{movieid} Get a specific movie Update a movie N/A Delete a specific movie
/api/movies/{movieid}/reviews Get reviews of movie Upload a new review N/A N/A
/api/movies/{movieid}/similar Get similar movies of specific movie N/A N/A N/A
/api/users Get a list of users Register or authenticate a user N/A N/A
/api/users/{userid} N/A N/A Update a user N/A
/api/user/{username}/favourites Get favourite movies list add a movie to favourites N/A N/A
/api/user/{username}/watchlists Get movie watchlist add a movie to watchlist N/A N/A
/api/actors Get a list of popular actors add a actor with random ID N/A N/A
/api/actorDetails Get details of specific actor N/A N/A N/A
/api/upcoming Get a list of upcoming movies N/A N/A N/A
/api/upcoming/{upcomingid} Get a specific upcoming movie add a specific movie with random ID N/A Delete the specific upcoming movie
/api/topRated Get a list of specific toprated movies N/A N/A N/A
/api/toprated/{topratedid} Get a specific toprated movie add a specific movie N/A N/A
... ... ... ... ...

Link of swagger:

Longer waiting time for data response because the remote server is slow to load

local:http://localhost:8080/ Basic complete function of API

Security and Authentication

Only authenticated users with correct information can access the protected route.

  • protected routes:



  • The password have the limit format in registerion

Integrating with React App

Add below part in the bottom of the package.json in MoviesApp

 "proxy": "http://localhost:8080"

change the way that the API is accessed in tmdb-api.js.

export const getMovies = () => {
  return fetch(
    `/api/movies`, {
      headers: {
        'Authorization': window.localStorage.getItem('token')
      }, method: 'get',
  }).then(res => res.json());

export const getUpcomingMovies = () => {
  return fetch(
    `/api/upcoming`, {
      headers: {
        'Authorization': window.localStorage.getItem('token')
      }, method: 'get',
  }).then(res => res.json());

export const getPeoples = () => {
  return fetch(
    `/api/actors`, {
      headers: {
        'Authorization': window.localStorage.getItem('token')
      }, method: 'get',
  }).then(res => res.json());

export const getPeople = id => {
  return fetch(
    `/api/actorDetails/${id}`, {
      headers: {
        'Authorization': window.localStorage.getItem('token')
      }, method: 'get',
  }).then(res => res.json());

export const getTopRatedMovies = () => {
  return fetch(
    `/api/topRated`, {
      headers: {
        'Authorization': window.localStorage.getItem('token')
      }, method: 'get',
  }).then(res => res.json());

Extra features

  • Web form.
  • Dynamic and interactive UI.

Independent learning.

  • swagger UI

I build the swagger documentation in the heroku and it can also access from local. I use swagger.json to develop it.

Assignment 2 - Agile Software Practice.

Name: Huayu Qin

Target Web API.

  • Get /api/movies - returns an array of movie objects.
  • Get /api/movies/:id - returns detailed information on a specific movie.
  • Get /api/movies/:id/reviews - return reviews on a specific movie.
  • Get /api/movies/:id/similar - return the similar movies on a specific movie.
  • Post /api/movies - add a new movie to the database.
  • Delete /api/movies/id - delete a specific movie from the database.
  • Get /api/users - return an array of movie objects.
  • Post /api/users - register or authenticate user format and create a new user
  • Put /api/users/:id - update the information of specific user.
  • Get /api/users/:username/favourites - return the favourite lits of the specific user.
  • Post /api/users/:username/favourites - add a specific movie to favourite
  • Get /api/users/:username/watchlists - return the watchlist lits of the specific user.
  • Post /api/users/:username/watchlists - add a specific movie to watchlist
  • Get /api/actors - return an array of popular actors objects.
  • Get /api/actors/:id - returns detailed information on a specific actor.
  • Get /api/actorsDetails - return an array of personal information objects.
  • Get /api/actorsDetails/:id - return the personal information on a specific actor.
  • Get /api/topRated - return an array of topRated Movies objects.
  • Post /api/topRated - Based on scoring, add a new movie to the database.
  • Get /api/upcoming - return an array of upcoming Movie objects .
  • Post /api/upcoming - add a new upcoming movie to the database.

Error/Exception Testing.


  • Get /api/movies - with the authorized,test movie lists when the token is valid or invalid.

  • Get /api/movies/:id - test the specific movie and details with the valid and invalid id.

  • Get /api/movies/:id/reviews - test the specific reviews of a vaild id.

  • Delete /api/movies/:id - test the delete of a movie with a valid id.


  • Get /api/users - test users list when authentic.

  • Post /api/users - test the registration:

  • test the registration of the user with a invalid password or username.

  • test the registration of the user with a correct format of password.

  • test the registration of the user with the correct .username and the wrong password.

  • test the registration of the valid username and password.

  • Get /api/users/:id/favourites - test users favourites list with vaild user.

  • Post /api/users/:id/favourites - test adding a movie with valid and invalid id in authentic.

  • test the registration of the valid username and password

  • Get /api/users/:id/watchlists - test users watchlists list with vaild user.

  • Post /api/users/:id/watchlists - test adding a movie with valid and invalid id in authentic.


  • Get /api/upcoming - test the movie lists with invalid idwhen authentic.

  • Get /api/upcoming/:id - test the specific movie with invalid idwhen authentic.


  • Get /api/topRated - test the movie lists with invalid idwhen authentic.

  • Get /api/topRated/:id - test the specific movie with invalid idwhen authentic.


  • Get /api/actors - test the actors lists with valid and invalid id when authentic.

  • Get /api/actors/:id - test the specific actor with valid and invalid id when authentic.


  • Get /api/actorDetails - test the actorDetails lists with valid and invalid id when authentic.

  • Get /api/actors/:id - test the specific actorDetail with valid and invalid id when authentic.

Continuous Delivery/Deployment.

the URLs for the staging and production deployments of web API

Screenshots from the overview page for the two Heroku apps

  • Staging app overview

  • Production app overview