
Multiple deployments at the same time

mulongfu opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm new to Singularity
I write a simple script as below

for i in {1..5};
    sleep 0.8
    jq -n '{ "deploy": { "requestId": "test", "id": "ts'$name'", "command": "cd /xxx/xxx/project; ./", "resources": { "cpus": 0.1, "memoryMb": 0.1 },"user": "xxx"}}' > sin.json

curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d@sin.json dhttp://xxx:8081/singularity/api/deploys &


When I execute this script, I get the following error:

{"code":409,"message":"Pending deploy already in progress for test - cancel it or wait for it to complete (SingularityPendingDeploy{deployMarker=SingularityDeployMarker{requestId='test', deployId='ts4', timestamp=1590059053555, user=Optional.empty, message=Optional.empty}, lastLoadBalancerUpdate=Optional.empty, currentDeployState=WAITING, deployProgress=Optional.empty, updatedRequest=Optional.empty})"}

It seems that I need to wait Singularity to finish the previous deploy, then I can deploy the next one

Mesos Version: 1.9.0
Singularity Version: 1.0.0

Here is the request-id: test's JSON:

  "request": {
    "id": "test",
    "requestType": "RUN_ONCE",
    "owners": [
    "killOldNonLongRunningTasksAfterMillis": 20,
    "taskExecutionTimeLimitMillis": 20
  "state": "ACTIVE",
  "requestDeployState": {
    "requestId": "test",
    "activeDeploy": {
      "requestId": "test",
      "deployId": "ts4",
      "timestamp": 1590059053555
  "activeDeploy": {
    "requestId": "test",
    "id": "ts4",
    "command": "cd xxx/project; ./",
    "resources": {
      "cpus": 0.1,
      "memoryMb": 0.1,
      "numPorts": 0,
      "diskMb": 0
    "user": "joechang",
    "s3UploaderAdditionalFiles": []
  "taskIds": {
    "healthy": [],
    "notYetHealthy": [],
    "pending": [],
    "cleaning": [],
    "loadBalanced": [],
    "killed": []

Does the Singularity have the ability to deploy the request at the time?
If so, how can I do that?

This is working as designed here. Singularity aims to have one 'version' of. ode running for a request at a given time, with overlap while a deploy is in progress. If you have multiple versions of code that need to run at a time, the general pattern for that in Singularity would be to use multiple requestIds instead of multiple deploys of the same request. There is a bit more on requests and deploys in our docs