
condional logic broken

Hube2 opened this issue · 4 comments

Due to a change in ACF, the conditional logic on the options page fieldset and the duplicator fieldset is not working. I'm in the process of testing the newest ACF version to see if it fixes the issue.

The newest files from correct the issue. These have not been incorporated in the latest automatic plugin update (version

Also, this problem will likely break any conditional logic that exists in duplicated field groups. It has to do with the ACF field key values.

The fix for this will be in the next update of ACF. If you are not duplicating fieldsets with conditional logic in them you won't see a problem. Existing options pages should work fine but creating new options pages may be a problem until ACF is updated. The menu position and menu icon fields are missing when adding new options page and selecting "none" for parent. So you can create them and when ACF is updated you'll be able to move them and give them a custom icon.

This issue corrected by ACF 8.1.8