
Cause messages sent into Discord from hubs to pick up roles, etc.

blairmacintyre opened this issue · 1 comments

When using hubs + discord for events (or for any use a discord channel might be put to), one of the appeals is that the messages are sent from hubs to discord, where a set of hubs rooms can be monitored by a small group of moderators or admins.

Discord servers often have roles (e.g., @Admin for admins, @moderator, @Helper, and so on).

I would be great if when someone in Hubs says "Hey, @Moderators, someone is violating the CoC in this room by loading inappropriate media" (or whatever), that when it came through to Discord the @moderator part of the message trigger a notification to the people in that role as if someone had typed the same message directly in Discord.

we actually did this on purpose, otherwise the bot could be used to get around the permissions on the discord server preventing the use of @'s. we could potentially extend the bot to be more aware of these permissions and sanity check them against the person who wrote the message, but that seems like it stretches the scope of what the discord bot is doing (ie, it would become a policy enforcer for discord policy.)