
Feature request: Mark as read later

Opened this issue · 2 comments

mat-l commented

I'd like to ask about a new feature in ocnews. Would it be possible to mark the read articles directly locally as read and try to sync them later?

Due to the sometimes slower connection (e.g. owncloud or nextcloud is running on Raspberry Pi) the marking as read need 2-4 seconds. While then already switching to the next article, ocnews fails to mark it as read. Later on you read the article sometimes again and again which is a bit annoying.
Is it possible to add this feature?
Best matl

Hey, on which OS are you using ocNews? If you are using the SailfishOS version, there is a successor called Fuoten that is available as preview version on OpenRepos.

mat-l commented

Yeah using SailfishOS on Jolla C. Will check the preview versions. Great thanks. :)