
Support Devicon

lambtho12 opened this issue · 2 comments


  • I have searched for duplicate or closed feature requests
  • I am mindful of the project scope


Devicon is a set of icons that represent programming languages, development tools, etc. It would be a nice addition to fontawesome, academicons, and the other sets already available.

Motivation and context

These icons would be especially useful for the "skills" sections (to present the level of proficiency in the various languages).

We could also imagine a future extension of the experience or project sections to include the display of the languages used for the projects. Supporting this pack does not seems to be a very complicated task and the overall benefits are substantial for all users involved in software development.

Did you know that you can paste the SVG icon in your assets/media/icons/brands/ folder and reference it like brands/strava?

Yes, thank you. This is what I currently do. It is nice to have this workaround.

That being said, Devicon is a complete icon set, with no overlap in fontawsome or academicon. In my opinion it fits very well a good part of the userbase of HugoBlox (academics, developers, etc), who are likely to be interested by this support out of the box.

As I said, it could also be combined with a future development of the project/publication pages where in addition of tags we could have languages (and then filter by languages for instance).